Thursday, April 9, 2009

Doctor Who Operated on Kanye's Mom Loses License

Dr. Jan Adams, the plastic surgeon who operated on Kanye West’s mother the day before she died in 2007, is no longer allowed to operate. He has given up his license to practice medicine in California after the state’s Medical Board brought charges against him. The charges stemmed from two criminal convictions for driving under the influence. Adams has admitted the truth of each allegation. The Medical Board’s executive director says the board’s mission is public protection, and this action reflects the board’s commitment to their mission. Adams may petition for reinstatement in three years, but since he surrendered his license now means that he acknowledges the reasons for disciplinary action is correct in the case that the board looks at his case in the future. This is not the first time he has run into trouble with the Medical Board. He has lost his license before due to failure to pay child support to his ex. He has also gotten in trouble for DUIs in 2003 and 2006, which led to probation sentences.

Adams used to be a doctor in high demand, but that all changed after he operated on Donde West on November 9, 2008. He performed multiple elective procedures, including a tummy tuck and breast reduction. She died the next day possibly due to coronary disease and “multiple postoperative factors”, damaging his reputation as a doctor.

Do you think Dr. Jan Adams should ever be given the chance to practice again?

Read the article here.


  1. I think that Dr. Adams had been given several chances to be a responsible doctor prior to his loss of license (he could've not driven under the influence the second time, or not gotten in trouble for DUI the second time). A doctor is usually a respected member of the society. I would probably start having doubts if I find out that my doctor has gotten in trouble with the law a few times. Yesterday I watched a show about a nurse who became overweight, and his job required him to preach good eating habits to his patience. He mentioned that it was difficult to do that because he wasn't living what he preached. And it affected his work. In the same way, I feel that Dr. Adams's troubles with the law could affect his performance as a doctor, and this could be extremely dangerous.

  2. I also agree he has been given plenty of chances to correct previous mistakes. You can only give a person like this so many chances before it becomes your own fault for allowing it to happen yet again. I think I would be very worried if myself or a loved one was under his supervision, because if he can't make smart decisions in his own life then why should I trust him with mine?
    I think if he is given another opportunity to practice in the future, he would obviously have a lot of work to do to regain the trust of his patients and keep himself in line. I have doubts that he would ever be as successful as he once was.
